Friday, September 14, 2007

Ilchi Lee: Founder of Brain Respiration

Ilchi Lee: Interview

According to inventor Thomas Edison, genius is “one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.” In speaking with Dahnhak founder Dr. Ilchi Lee, you may deduce a similar formula for Enlightenment: one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent communication. While inspiration is crucial, it is Dr. Lee's commitment to sharing the path of Enlightenment that makes his vision of Healing Society possible.

Dr. Ilchi Lee views the Internet as the most compelling medium for communication yet, so it is no surprise that he has established a place on the web where he can leverage this power to share his vision—and his inspiration—with more of humanity than ever before.

As the founder of Dahnhak and Brain Respiration, Dr. Ilchi Lee's typical day begins with a meditation session at 3:00am. A time of deep self-observation without thoughts, expectations, or judgments, he calls this time “Mu-Shim-Jung-Kwan.” After the dawn meditation session, he turns on the computer to start slogging through the dozens of emails that he received through the night. After finishing with his email and checking the news on the internet, he sinks into a deep contemplation once more to receive his inspiration for the day.

This past January, he achieved one of his long time goals of establishing an online school for the advancement of human spirit and consciousness. This school is called, Ilchi Academy.” So far, Ilchi Academy boasts a student body of 15,000 students from all over the world. We spoke with Dr. Ilchi Lee to hear his dreams and hopes for Ilchi Academy.

body & brain: Were you always interested in the Internet?

Dr. Ilchi Lee: Although I am always interested in new and innovative things, I am not an Internet expert. I am not interested in the technological details of the Internet revolution. I am interested in the information delivering power of the Internet and how it can be harnessed to propel a forward evolution in the collective human consciousness. Information is the key. Our patterns of thoughts and behaviors are a direct product of the information inside our brains.

To change how we act then, we must first change the information inside our brains for this will lead to direct changes in our action. How does one change the information that people are carrying inside their heads? By helping each individual experience a more powerful, higher quality information that resonates within them in an experiential and visceral way. Only information can overwrite previous information. Giving information back and forth, this is communication.

Ilchi Lee is a pioneering Brain Philosopher and Educator.

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